  07743 770 230




Anger Management Therapist

When emotions flare up, your body produces extra adrenaline and gets ready to enter a “fight or flight” mode. As commonly described, you start to “see red”. Anger is a state of heightened emotional arousal, but it also makes you intently focus on the source of your ire. On paper, anger is not an “evil” emotion when expressed in a controlled manner, but when it is completely unchained, it can become a burden for you and your loved ones. Anger can manifest in the home, at work or at school with young people. 

While unpleasant and potentially dangerous for family and friends, the long-term damage caused by uncontrolled anger difficulties can be physiological as well as psychological – you can get life-shortening cardiovascular complications, or spiral into a pit of further emotional problems such as depression. 


How Human Givens Anger Management Therapy Works

A Human Givens counsellor will soon identify what is causing uncontrollable angry behaviour. We all get angry on occasion, but for some people, a particular traumatic event from their past may need to be de-aroused or an element in their life will need to be re-interpreted in some way. Anger or rage episodes can be distressing and socially destructive. 

Human Givens anger counselling will help any individual to manage their emotional state, rehearsing processes of how to stay calm in situations that might previously have triggered an anger episode.

By understanding how to attend to their unmet emotional needs, the anger therapy client will be taught how to become generally calmer in day-to-day life. The balance of our emotional needs and being equipped with the tools to meet them is paramount. Human Givens therapy is scientifically proven to achieve fast and effective results that last. Clients are treated in confidence and with empathy. 


Take the first step toward resolving Anger episodes

Human Givens anger management therapy provides fast and long-lasting treatment for rage-related difficulties. You’ll soon feel the calming effects that having better control over your emotions can bring. You can take the first step towards releasing yourself from the distress of anger by contacting Deborah Potts Anger Counselling today. 

Tel:  01473 760667
