Anxiety Help (Stress & Panic Attacks)
All of us feel anxious at one point or another. It can be caused by forthcoming exams, medical tests, job interviews, and other sources of pressure. Feeling some anxiety because of external factors like these is normal and usually short-lived once the source of pressure passes.
However, ordinary people suffering from intense and constant feelings of worry and anxiety with no clear cause is an increasing trend in society. It can begin to seriously affect their daily lives. Pressures brought about the burgeoning cost-of-living crisis, social media’s effects on young people, the isolation caused by COVID-19 pandemic, and more have led to more awareness of mental health issues like anxiety.
Anxiety Trigger Points
In some cases, a whole range of trigger points can cause anxiety, while in others, severe anxiety might be down to just one overriding issue. Human Givens therapy helps to identify these potential trigger points that may be causing you difficulty in dealing with stressful situations. We can then show you powerful techniques to overcome your hurdles, allowing you to fully enjoy your life again.
In the future, you’ll be able to deal with stressful situations when they arise. Circumstances that might have previously brought on an anxiety or panic attack will suddenly feel far less threatening. Nobody likes the feeling that they’re not in control, but we promise that our Human Givens therapy techniques will get good results faster than other available therapy techniques.
Panic Attack Help and Treatment
A panic attack is what happens when your “fight or flight” response, the body’s alarm system, is triggered unnecessarily. Suffering extreme anxiety like this is a response to specific stress triggers. They can cause your blood pressure to increase rapidly and leave you in an extremely weakened, distressed state. If you’ve ever experienced a full-blown panic attack, you know they can be terrifying. Even one experience can be so catastrophic that you’ll do anything to avoid situations that can cause panic attacks.
Panic attacks – and obsessive avoidance of the stimuli that cause them – can quickly interfere with your day-to-day life. At Deborah Potts Counsellors, we use our Human Givens approach to pinpoint the causes of panic attacks in your life and work hard to help you overcome them.
Symptoms of Anxiety
A trained therapist for anxiety will be able to identify the common symptoms. Here are some chronic anxiety symptoms that you will finally be able to avoid once you experience the Human Givens treatment:
Excessive worrying
Constantly feeling worried about trivial things? Anxiety can mess with your judgement, so effective treatment can fix your priorities and reduce your excessive worries.
Lack of sleep can be caused by anxiety and, in turn, lead to a vicious cycle of more mental health issues. If you suffer from insomnia, get in touch with us today and we can find the cause of the issue.
Anxiety can literally be a headache, sometimes. Use our Human Givens training to help you get rid of those stray thoughts constantly weighing on your mind.
Muscle tension
Stress and anxiety can make your muscles tense up, leaving you feeling strained and weakened while doing everyday tasks.
Intense stress and anxiety can leave you in a muddled haze, sometimes for days on end.
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
You may be surprised to learn that mental stress can contribute to an array of physical disorders, including IBS.
Loss or gaining of weight
When anxiety is weighing a person down, looking after their own physical health can commonly become a struggle. Gradual weight loss or weight gain can be manifestations of severe anxiety.
Irritable temper
When life seems to be spiralling out of your control, it’s only natural that you’ll feel more frustrated and irritable than usual. We have additional counselling services to help with more severe anger problems – click to find out more.
Potential Long-Term Risks of Untreated Anxiety
Don’t delay in seeking help for your condition. If you leave your anxiety untreated, it might lead to more health complications down the line, including:
Heart disease
Skin conditions such as eczema
Most of these can be prevented by maintaining good physical health, but anxiety can be a huge roadblock to your progress.
Seek help today and you will no longer need to be fearful of entering situations that will provoke anxiety or stress. Using our tried-and-tested techniques, you will finally be able to cope with situations you once found difficult. All this, and our therapy will also help to improve your self-esteem and confidence.